
The Alchemist

One of my new favorite books is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I highly recommend the search for buried treasure turned spiritual journey.

It is actually being made into a movie.

Just kidding. I made this for a book presentation. I am quite proud of it, actually. I got the 30 day trial of Adobe Illustrator. One day I will own the Adobe programs... I hope I don't have to wait too terribly long.

Let me know what you think.


  1. very nice! i didn't even think about it not being a professionally done poster until you said something- therefore i thought it looked legit. awesome!
    i agree, why does that software have to be so expensive? i'll have to use yours when you buy it.

  2. will you let me use it too?
    how's the "project" coming(from the book i gave you)?

  3. I LOVED your movie poster. You're pretty much amazing. :D

  4. Your poster is very professional, I must agree. When I went to your presentation I really thought it was a poster from the book cover. It is amazing how good you are making graphics. I can't wait until it is the cover you are doing for your very own book. I love you! Mom
